Ok -
First I realize posting here is part of my therapy to get through all the craziness. I know I have a lot to learn and MUST learn how to deal with the "nay" sayers and those that don't believe in trans-racial adoption.
so that said - I posted the link on Facebook last night to sign the petition to help the kids in Ethiopia. Many of my friends signed it, and then shared the post to get more! Awesome right. so I see someone's post - to Help the kids in the USA first. I'm still sick and NOT feeling well - so I just jumped on that. Yeah we tried - it didn't work out. Probably didn't help that God put ET on my heart I can't help that. But really - the US system is messed up - how many stories have I alone seen lately of adoptive parents MURDERING their kids. A story yesterday about how some parents never reported their adopted kids missing - last seen in 2001-2005! Something crazy - they haven't been seen in 10 years! and NO ONE knew it! Oh my gosh - where were the social workers. We are getting examined left and right - why weren't these people? Seriously. Then the case in Florida and the woman here in Metro Detroit that killed or tried to kill their adopted kids (the lady here killed herself in the process of taking them all out - she didn't succeed with the kids - thank God).
so really - I had to post that this guy not judge people until they know the story AND that we should help ALL of God's kids - here and there. Yes - maybe when I have some free time I can fight for the kids here. I don't think this guy is taking any steps to help any of the kids - but can judge someone else -
so yeah - I need to find a way to educate. Hopefully I'll get some books I asked for as a birthday present this week - and I'll begin reading them.
But for now - I can post here - not really quietly - but I know this idiot won't even try to look or learn our story -and that is fine.
Hoping for some more news on ET and MOWA today - last I heard the rumors the head of MOWA may have been fired over all the antics of late - now I don't want anyone to loose their job - I hope the person was trying to send a message they need staff and funding but I also hope this means they go back to more letters or whatever per day.
Enjoy your Friday all - its my off day and I'm up early running around - gotta love it! Getting my frustrations out here - and off to start my day. Thanks for reading - and listening - sorry if you don't like it - but I know others deal with this as well.
God bless and lets continue to pray for the kids in ET but also ALL over the world and the people in Japan that are dealing with the major earth quake and everything else that brought today - pretty scary times.
Keep the faith Gail! I know with all the things going on the last thing you need to hear is something negative or hurtful. we have heard a couple less than positive comments with regards to our adoption and I am to a point that I almost feel sorry for the person for their ignorance, lack of compassion, and not understanding the message of the Gospel (if they are a believer). I feel that way on the good days, other days it just ticks me off:) Let's pray for good news!
Hey Gail! I cannot believe he said that. Some people don't know much about adoption and the whole process and how hard it is. I think they believe you can just go to walmart and get a kid in aisle 4 but it is not like that at all. You go ahead and let it out! We all support you guys and love you very much.
Thanks Sue and Jen -
Yeah I know - at least I know I"m not alone - it is what it is. People are like that out there - ALL over.
Jen - I'm thankful you are my family - enjoy your birthday tomorrow - will be thinking of you.
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