Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Weekly Baby update

Well I'm not sure if people are still tuning into this website or not - but just incase we said we'd keep it going. Craig and I had our appointment this morning and it looks like Baby B is still going strong. The doctor still thinks its bigger than the ultrasound calculated (yes - nothing is very accurate until the little one is physically put on a scale). Technically it would be about 6.5 pounds this week - he thinks its a lot bigger. The doctor hasn't said anything about inducing at this time - but Craig and I just don't think its good right now. Know a few people that induced only because they thought the baby was big - and it wasn't. We'd rather it have more developement time anad us more time to get ready! We stil have LOTS to get done at the house - good thing for the holiday weekend.

The heart beat was also very strong. And I'm still only dilated to 1 cm! So yes - anyone placing bets last week - we did not have the baby yet! I think the doctor was surprised as well today. He didn't say how far effaced yet - but he could feel the head. He told us the baby is in the right position and low - sitting on my bladder. In the last day or two its been difficult to walk - making me belive the baby did drop down - even though you can't tell by the belly! The doctor agreed.

His only concern today was me - my blood pressuer was up compared to where it has been for many weeks. Its not drastically high - just higher than normal. so he had me give them some blood to test for Toxemia - I should have some results back by the end of today. he said its nothing to worry about - because right now I've been good up to this point. My guess is I'd be put on some medicine and maybe rest for a few weeks. Which would be alright - boring and alone with my own thoughts - so that may not be too good. Lucky I'll just have to ask my friends to come keep me company if that is the case. But honestly - seeing how things have turned out so good with this pregnancy - I really think I'm fine.

so keep your fingers crossed we have a few more weeks - I did make it to my 1 year anniversary here at work - oficially its today! So now that means I am 100% available for the FMLA laws (pending work being shut down) and can get the full package when the doors do shut in the future here! Its not much - but its double what I would have gotten if they decided to lay me off yesterday!

Next appointment is thursday July 8th! Will keep you updated then - unless something else happens in the mean time.

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