Monday, June 21, 2004

Miracle Needed

Ok - mom's doing pretty darn bad - I probably won't post much this week.

She's in ICU, in a coma, the THINK she has perminant brain damage from a possible blood clot OR that the leukemai has spread to her brain and spinal fluid. She's too week and her blood counts are too low to do the tests. Oh - but ironically- her white blood cells are way up and over the level to come home - nice huh?

Anyhow - the siblings are all on their way up and some will be in tonight and staying at the hospital with dad and Marcus. I needed to rest - I'm exhausted - tried to sleep at the hotel at the hospital this afternoon - and just couldn't. Not like I"ll get much sleep tonight - but in my own bed.

Please pray for some miracle that we will all get through - it does not look good at all. Please know we will inform people of everything later this week. Right now - pray for Dad, Marcus, Craig, Baby B and I. We need the strength to get through all of this - especially dad.
Gail and family

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm shocked to hear about the downturn. I was praying the "bad day" was just a temporary thing. Mom called at 7:40 tonight and updated me. I worked today and then had to have an epidural for my neck. When I got home at 5:00, I was thinking about Loretta and we sent the first blog comment, but now realize that things are more serious than I thought. We're prayng for a miracle. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Love Randy