Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Removing Ventilation Tubes

Wow - what an amazing turn of events the last few days. I called to just talk to a nurse on Ron's status today - she told me he's fine and breathing well. I asked how long it takes to wean someone off the vents - she chuckled. They were removing the tubes right then. Yeah - so that means he'll probably be able to start communicating over the next few hours/days. I can't even imagine how sore his throat and everything will be - but something is better than nothing. We are very excited and thankful for this miracle.

Thanks for the prayers. Please contue, because Ron is still a not in the clear. His systems are still failing him, the kidneys are pretty much done, his heart is just not going to recover - its weak, worn out and has numerous blockages that just can not be removed. Plus they think there is possibly some damage when he flat lined over the weekend. But he's still mentally there - and that is what counts right now. He's a fighter and NOT giving up. He's amazed us all, especially his doctors for the last few years. So its "a matter of time" - but we have a little bit more - and that is what counts. And no matter what - today is a joyous day - the ventilation is done.

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