Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Settling In

So far, so good......

Nate had his first doctor's appointment yesterday. The doctor's hopeful that we can run the hearing test again and it will turn out to be nothing. We'll be making arrangements to do that soon.

The doctor wanted to have his billiruben level checked, and we to the lab yesterday to have blood drawn. We were a little concerned about the pediatrician we chose, but we got a call with the results last night at 7:30 from the doctor himself! This earned big points in the "Backus book of Points" so we'll be staying with them for the foreseeable future.

He said he would have been concerned if this number was over 25, and the number was 15.5. He wanted to do it again today to make sure it was going down, so I took Nate this afternoon ALL BY MYSELF! How do you like that? We haven't heard about those results, but I guess I might hear something later tonight.

Gail hasn't been feeling 100%, but we're hoping it will pass in the next few days. She saw her doctor on Monday about the fluid issue, and he said that it's an after effect of the toxemia. He said that it should pass in a week or so. Gail was dealing with a headache today and is hoping that with some rest she'll feel better. I'm headed back to work tomorrow, and Doug will be coming to help out, so hopefully that will help get us through to Gail being back on her feet.

I'm trying to get a picture of Nate awake for everyone, but he's not awake too much just yet, and when he is he's eating or crying! Maybe later today we'll have a Kodak moment!

Monday, July 12, 2004

Nate's Home!

We survived our first night at home.

He's still getting used to sleeping by himself, so sometimes we have to take turns holding him to get him to sleep. At least now we're in a bigger space and can take turns so we get some sleep.

Nate seems to be doing pretty well. He has his first doctor's appointment tomorrow. We're still trying to figure out how to get the breastfeeding going, but in the meantime, he's getting some formula so that he doesn't get sick. We're a little worried about one of his hearing tests because one ear didn't pass in the hospital. It could just be he was fussy, and now he's getting more used to life outside the womb, so hopefully that won't be a problem.

Thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers that came our way. It certainly is a miracle, and now the fun begins!

Friday, July 09, 2004

It's a boy!

Well, we've been busy. Here's the scoop:

Nathaniel Craig Backus
6:23 PM
6lbs. 15oz.
19 1/2"

We'll update more tomorrow.


Hopefully soon. We're the last one to go today. 'July 9 must be a good day to be born. OUR KID IS NEXT!!!!


It's time to push!!!!!

8 cm

Wow! It's getting close now!

5 cm

She's resting up for the event. It should be soon.

Epidural is ON!

The epidural is on so Gail is feeling much better.

Still Here

No baby yet. They stopped pitocin at 8:30 last night and just restarted it. More later.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Water broke at 8:45


It's time!

We're at the hospital. Contractions have started. I think there's a long way to go.

Stay tuned......

Baby IS coming - today or tomorrow

Ok - doctors now say I do have Toxemia - the very beginning of it. Could go on bed rest - but they recommend that its so close to the due date to just get this kid out!

We are on the way in 5 minutes to the hospital to be induced.

Totally not ready - the house is a mess - oh well! We'll figure it all out.

Posts will be later - baby may be born today or tomorrow - but definately soon.
Gail and Craig

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

NO Baby yet

Just to let people know - the baby is still cookin! Craig didn't get his 4th of July baby - Marcus' friend Sal did though!!! Baby Sal was born that evening!

Doing good - we all survived the first "official" holiday without mom - it sucked as expected! But we got through it. Poor dad was recruited by both his kids this weekend to help out - I think we tuckered him out but good! but we both got a lot done. Marcus's house was totally ready to be sold and between dad and Craig - we have things moving forward for baby B to arrive. Oh - we still hvae a lot to do and organization to complete - but we are better than we were the other day. Tonights task - packing the bag for the hospital. I now have the baby's clothes and blankets washed - so taht will help. Even have a few coming home outfits to wear - I bought one girl and one boy outfit a few months back.

Next Dr. appointment is on Thurday - will keep everyone posted. If my feet continue the path they did this weekend - not sure what they will do - I can barely get my shoes or even socks on at this point- they are just that swollen. Even turned a little purple the other day - not fun. Overall - achy! this weekend was the first - difficult sleeping period - maybe because of the heat and just a lot of little practice contractions as I call them. Body is preparing for the big day! But heck - in the whole picture - I still am pretty lucky with so little problems or anything with this pregnancy - had all of them before hand trying to get this miracle child! Now lets hope this kid will be just as good in real life. Heck - As Craig and I like to say - the older child is usually the better one! Ha - I know Marcus doesn't read this - so I can joke about that - but incase - marcus and Jennifer - we love you both!

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Another Baby update

Just to let everyone know - the blood tests yesterday came back just fine! So that means I'm fine - so I know that will make some very happy! Me especially - they will just continue to monitor my blood pressuer closely!

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Weekly Baby update

Well I'm not sure if people are still tuning into this website or not - but just incase we said we'd keep it going. Craig and I had our appointment this morning and it looks like Baby B is still going strong. The doctor still thinks its bigger than the ultrasound calculated (yes - nothing is very accurate until the little one is physically put on a scale). Technically it would be about 6.5 pounds this week - he thinks its a lot bigger. The doctor hasn't said anything about inducing at this time - but Craig and I just don't think its good right now. Know a few people that induced only because they thought the baby was big - and it wasn't. We'd rather it have more developement time anad us more time to get ready! We stil have LOTS to get done at the house - good thing for the holiday weekend.

The heart beat was also very strong. And I'm still only dilated to 1 cm! So yes - anyone placing bets last week - we did not have the baby yet! I think the doctor was surprised as well today. He didn't say how far effaced yet - but he could feel the head. He told us the baby is in the right position and low - sitting on my bladder. In the last day or two its been difficult to walk - making me belive the baby did drop down - even though you can't tell by the belly! The doctor agreed.

His only concern today was me - my blood pressuer was up compared to where it has been for many weeks. Its not drastically high - just higher than normal. so he had me give them some blood to test for Toxemia - I should have some results back by the end of today. he said its nothing to worry about - because right now I've been good up to this point. My guess is I'd be put on some medicine and maybe rest for a few weeks. Which would be alright - boring and alone with my own thoughts - so that may not be too good. Lucky I'll just have to ask my friends to come keep me company if that is the case. But honestly - seeing how things have turned out so good with this pregnancy - I really think I'm fine.

so keep your fingers crossed we have a few more weeks - I did make it to my 1 year anniversary here at work - oficially its today! So now that means I am 100% available for the FMLA laws (pending work being shut down) and can get the full package when the doors do shut in the future here! Its not much - but its double what I would have gotten if they decided to lay me off yesterday!

Next appointment is thursday July 8th! Will keep you updated then - unless something else happens in the mean time.