Friday, September 02, 2011

updates on K and the other boys

Hi all - happy Labor Day weekend -we are where we are meant to be - I'm tired but decided to make a quick update.

anyhow - I heard that K and the other boys - the 3 referrals that were voided in July - anyhow they were al moved to a new orphanage in the southern region  the government is still working to reunite them with their families  And it sounds like if they do tnot find the family or the families don't want them - they will remain in the orphange and probably moved to another home.  The country told the AAI people the kids may never be up for adoption -they may want to just keep them in group homes.  Just very sad.

Hopefuly these kids find the home and love they deserve!  They are so precious and deserve to be loved.

In other news - we are still waiting on a court date for S- I really can't wait to meet him!  Hopefully later this year.

some families are traveling to ET and have kids in the ame orphanage as S -so hopefully getting more news on our little guy. One family that did meet him told us how sweet and beautiful he is - and how loved he is.

Man -I can't wait to learn and see the ET culture in person. I've been reading about the country and peopleand learning how wonderful they are.  so it wil be fun.

Ok - tired -
enough of this babbling post.
Please continue to pray for all the kids inET as they are needing love and care.

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