Wednesday, June 15, 2011

good news on processing in country- updated

NOT a fact I've verified yet - but I did see a posting today that said that MOWA is increasing letters per day by 5 - so from 5  to 10 letters starting in June!  YEAH - this is a 50% increase - however they decreased 90% in March - but any increase we WILL take!

YEAH - gotta love progress.  Hopefully over time they will get back up to more than that - which will be good.

Ok - back to work - on travel and a late night -

UPDATED - after further review - it appears that after a period of time they will move up to 15 letters/day and continue doing so because their training programs and other procedures and fixes are working!!!!  THIS IS AWESOME- bless the lord.


Anonymous said...

Keep thinking POSITIVE!
We're praying for you!
love, Kathy W.

Gail Backus said...

thanks Kathy - praying and positive thinking - we'll all make it through. I read another blog where a family is #2 on the list and #1 for a baby girl! gotta love it - for a boy we're #2