Friday, January 28, 2011

Helping each other out - check out this famlies profile

Well Yes - posting lots this week.
Anyhow I just feel that we are all out there helping each other out - I'm friends now with so many total strangers that have given me advise or Craig advise in this process - its just amazing.  And we're all there for one common bond - growing families.

Anyhow our friends are trying to adopt domestically - take a look at their profile on - share this with anyone you know that may be a birth mother that is looking for a kind family for her child or just share.  The best stories I've heard about are how families find each other by word of mouth.  It works.

And plus - a tidbit on my day - Great Seal of MI - completed - a few more tasks and off to the UPS store to mail the package to the couriers!  Thank you Assistant Stork!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Awww... thank you so much for your support!!! You are too kind! Here is the direct link to our profile

Congrats on getting your paperwork out! Major progress! I'll never forget the super windy day when we went downtown to get our paperwork sealed. Ahhhh... the memories...