Friday, November 19, 2010

Final Home Study - We finally passed - October 6, 2010

HI all
I haven't posted in a few weeks - we have had a few home study visits or social worker visits with the last one being with the social worker last night here at home.  It went really well.  We had a lot of good discussions and all agreed we will continue with our focus on Ethiopia and a gender up to God's choice.  We did decide to lower our age range to zero months up to 2 year old.  We feel that is in the best interest of our family - and especially for Nate.  But they will approve us for up to 3 years old but we're hoping for a younger child.

So now we have ONE more book to read and signed up for a multicultural seminar at the local agency.  That's above and beyond what we need, but we feel everything will help us out at the moment.

I've been meeting more and more families online and know a lot had their court dates just this week!  I'm so excited to hear about their travels. Another group brought their children home just last month so its very exciting and they have some wonderful advice for all of us "newbie" parents out there.

We have found some ET (yes that is short for Ethiopia or Ethiopian)restaurants in the area and want to check them out soon.  Then we'll continue to just do our studies and read other books on the country and culture.  Its a very exciting time.

The other big steps is moving our office into the basement and moving Nate's bedroom to the current office room - the bigger of the two bedrooms for the kids.  That will be good for him.

Its all exciting - I know LOTS of paper work to finalize the Dossier - but we'll get there - again learning great advice from all the other families.  One of these days I"ll start posting more country specific information so you can all learn a little bit of what our new family heritage will be like.

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