Friday, November 05, 2004

Sleeping Good

Well some happy news from me! the last two nights - Nate has "slept' through the night! He woke up briefly a few times, but a pacifier and some music put him right back to sleep! the first night - I had actually went to make a bottle a few times and came back to feed him and he was back to a sound sleep! So that is good! I'm excited. Now we just need to get it so he's not waking up at all! But I'll take what we can get.

He's been very fun lately -he loves sitting up and loves the walker or exersize activity centeres. his Great grandma noted she'd get that for him as a christmas gift. he loves the ones at daycare. He can spin himself all around and loves it so much! He's a cute.

He's starting to flirt and play shy with people when smiling at them. Its adorable. This has been a long week - I was gone a few nights and then came home and Craig was gone - he just landed and is home again!

work - still unknown. they finally announces one plant is selling and another is closing. they still don't have a done deal on things that may allow me to stay on board with a new company! But they are hinting at lay offs in the coming weeks! yeha - I already know I'm on that short list. But I've had some calls the last few days for my resume - so hopefully something will pan out soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How wonderful that Nat is sleeping well, Iwish Lauren was, as she still wakes them up each night. I do think they could do something such as ignore it at times, but I don't interfere. She now has an escape hatch in her bed, so she can get out and that helps, needles to say she really enjoys that.

Always enjoy the updates. I pray you find a job in your vicinity, as I am also touched by joy change. John is a computer engineer and his company is publically traded and the goal is to make a profit for the investors, so if a profit is not made they lay off employees and most of the time he is the one who has to give the sad news to the employees. He now hates his job and is looking for something else.

He is to interview with Bosc (the speaker manufacturer), but has to delay as Cirrus is sending him on a 6 week trip to Japan and Korea and he gets back the day before Thanksgiving. Leslie is really angry about that. The bad thing is that Bosc is in the suburb of Boston and that I do not like at all, as I will not see Lauren as she grows up.
