Well we are having a much better last few days. The weekend was really rough with the new formula - thought it was working on Saturday because Nate slept great - but realized it was just having him out side all day at the two birthday parties. Nate got to meet the Wilcox clan so taht was fun, he napped for most of it. And then he met Craig's co-workers at another birthday party.
Anyhow - very early Monday morning when I was up around 3 am and didn't get back to sleep at all - I realized the gas issue was still bad. The poor little guy seemed to be in so much pain - it just wasn't fair. I had been told by many people that Nestle's Good STart worked well for your kids and I also talked to the nurse at the doctors office. She recommended something called Nurtamigen (which is more expensive). I looked at the prices at the store - the Nurtamigen brands were pretty much double in price of anything else we have used. Therefore - I decided to take advice from all of you and try the Good Start first. And heck - good advice so far. The last 48 hours he's been on it and still trying to get the other out of his system. But the gas pains seem less severe and less frequent. He'll always have gas - we all do - so I figured as long as its not too painful - we'll keep trying the Good Start! Yeah! Now I want all of you to keep your fingers crossed that it will work.
Yesterday we had another big outting - my friend Kris and her family came up from Indiana and hung out with us all day. so that was nice. Tomorrow dad comes to help me take Nate to the hearing test -again cross your fingers that he sleeps through it so we can get it completed and pass! If not - we'll deal with what we need, it can't be that bad.
I'll try and update the site later this week once we know more on his hearing.
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