Friday, May 14, 2004

E-mail update from Gail

Well finally after a week of her being in the hospital and not knowing what was going on this time - we FINALLY have an answer the doctors are treating her right now! If you didn't know - the doctors told mom and dad Monday night (yes the day after mothers day and before her birthday) that she had cancer. Most of the week they thought it was one type and yesterday determined it wasn't.

Anyhow - today they were finally able to say - and I may spell this incorrectly - but its "acute lymphocytic leukemia" also known as "acute lymphoblastic leukemia" = on the cancer sites its ALL. It sounds like she has a good chance of beating htis - at least into remission. The doctors are very positive at this time. Not exactly sure - but she may get to come home in the next 1-2 weeks and do chemo as an out patient. I think she's ready to come home right now!

Please keep her in your prayers and thoughts - if you go to church - please add her and keep her on any and all prayer lists you can think of. It would mean so much to us if you can do this for her and my family. Things so far are working out - Marcus is now working in Howell so he can be there more often to help out (and make sure dad is taking care of himself). I should find out the status of my company tomorrow - but HR told someone that they need to start looking for jobs immediately - they do not see my office open past the end of June. So this will give me time off before the baby's due date (July 24th) to spend with mom and help them out at home too. And after the baby is born - help out as needed.

Family - aunts and uncles especially - please see if you can get access to your bone marrow types - the doctor wants to see them soon so he can see if there is a match incase she needs bone marrow transplant. Anyone else - I know its a commitment but if you feel like you can do it (I know you have to make the decision) - please contact the local red cross and see if you can get on the bone marrow list - if you can't help my mom - you may be able to save another life!

Craig and I have set up a little website -< /a> that we will use as a diary to keep everyone updated on mom #1 - and baby #2. Please check back often - at this time I have not updated it until we knew what was going on. I'll try and start that this weekend.

Mom is very tired and just exhausted with the tests and treatment starting today - please no phone calls tonight. We asked her to take the phone off the hook (and she will do that from time to time)

Please - let dad rest at night - he can take some calls- but try and bring them to Marcus, Craig and I. You can call Craig and I at 313-541-2561 (voicemail will also list cell numbers) - also - I'm exhausted- NO calls after 8:45 pm please - at least during the week. I'm just exhausted. Use my cell phone in the day time - I can take calls at work.

Also - at this time only family is allowed to visit mom - ONLY if you are healthy - for example I have a sore throat and will not see mom until its gone. Her immune system is very low right now and will get worse with the treatments - she can catch something so easily and that will just hurt her treatment efforts. So please call and ask someone first - that is her and dad's request.

Thanks so much for the prayers, thoughts and support. We all need them right now. Mom keeps telling us all she has to live for - she has one grandchild on the way and she knows someday there will be a wedding and more grandkids - she's living for those events right now - even if some of them are unknown dates - its something to look forward to!


Gail, Craig, Marcus, dad and especially mom (incase you don't know - her name is Loretta Wilcox - for any prayer requests)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are progressing well. I know you will be very happy to get home--there is no place like home!
