Wow - what a CRAZY day. Wake up as a 42 year old in Addis, Ababa, Ethiopia - to a rooster and some dude singing at a local church at 5:30 am! UGH - so all you back in the states that was 10:30 at night there. But we did sleep good.
Today we went to the National Ethiopian Museum - this is where Lucy is! She is the oldest skeleton in the world! MILLIONS of years old. And come to find out - she looked half like us today and half ape! Really - and then we saw the skull of a baby that's even older than Lucy! Pretty cool.
Then I took Nate and Craig shopping - they survived. I think it was better - I had warned them what to expect - honestly not too many people out. But I think we did good. I gave away a lot of things I bought was gifts last time - so this time was for us.
So at about 2 pm today - GOTCHA day a day that will forever go in the Backus books we took custody of Curt. He did ok, and was amazed as we drove around. Then fell asleep - and was woken from a sound sleep at the Yeka Lodge when we got back and realized - WHOA these are the ladies that have loved and took care of me for the last 9 months of my life - since I was 2 months old! He's doing well - really intrigued by his big brother. crying a little bit, been fed and now we think just so tired.
We're trying to get the Internet when we can - definitely NO wifi that they said they had - so ONE computer in the lobby everyone triest to use. It alright. Our laptop charger is having issues - when here last time it got fried and didn't work - better it then the laptop! So its having issues. We found ONE plug that was working -
Anyhow Yeka is a great hotel - so many families here from Holland and Denmark with there kids and a family we met from Alabama. They are all here a lot longer than us. But it is cool - you eat together, hang out in the outside area - its pretty nice. We enjoyed meeting people at dinner last night.
Right now we are hanging in this little room - Curt, daddy and I - Nate wanted to watch TV and they have the one Boomerang channel - all cartoons - so him and the other older siblings are loving that.
I know we will be good - no tears in a while. But just love how he has attached - i didn't mention how the one lady that was so happy but sad to see him leave - she followed our van waving. She was crying, I was crying - just to know he was so loved by them all! I took her pictures of the two of them. And i so hope she enjoys it! I know she will.
Now Craig and Curt are playing on the computer next to me - it does NOT get Internet - ha.
Tomorrow is Embassy we probably won't do much - chill out in the morning and then go there. We still need to buy coffee - we'll adventure out later in the week!
Thanks for following us.
I know tomorrow is a new day - we keep trying to tell Nate - its like someone just taking him away from us, moving him here and NO ONE speaking English! YEAH - the smiles are showing up! we love those smiles. Anyhow - for Curt - he's never been out of the orphanage - never really seen trees and definitely not grass until today. he's seeing the world e - and right now trying to eat the mouse - ha! Its all good. He's so beautiful. And we got to keep his outfit -
OH yeah - he's wearing 18 months - a little big - so hopefully we have those. I think the 12 months will fit - we shall see.
That's it till tomorrow.
We'll try and post every day.
Love you all that follow - and thanks for the prayers
Gail, Craig, Nate and Sami Curt for a few more days.